Monday, 30 April 2007
Etsy shop
Saturday, 28 April 2007
Fame - well sort of!
Check out the cute Peter and Jane badges!

These will hopefully be going up onto Etsy soon as soon as I have a couple of child free minutes! Also some more cheeky chickens are nearly made (well the fabric is cut!) so again as soon as I have some child free time then I will get some made. It probably won't be for a while though as we are busy preparing for Tara's Christening next weekend......
Monday, 23 April 2007
Brooch tutorial
You will need:
- Fabric
- A pen
- Circular shape
- Pinking shears/scissors
- Ribbon
- Buttons
- Brooch back/safety pin
- Needle and thread
1. Assemble all your things. I find it easier to select my fabric and ribbon first and then match the buttons to them later.
2. Use your circle shape – I used a sticky tape roll – to draw out a circle on your fabric. Then use the pinking shears to cut it out. If you want more of a “shabby chic” look then just use normal scissors and the edges will start to fray after wearing a few times.
3. Next you need to decide how long you want your ribbon pieces to be. Do they extend over the edge of the circle or stay well within it? Again for a “shabby chic” look use regular scissors rather than pinking shears. Cut your ribbon to the desired length – I cut mine so that they just reach the edge of the circle.
4. Lay your ribbon onto the fabric circle and sew into place – you only need a couple of stitches at this stage as your button will be sewn onto the same place later on. It should look something like this:
5. Next, sew your button on! After this you will need to attach the brooch back/safety pin. I’m using a safety pin as more people are likely to have these lying around. However, for a more professional look, use a brooch back. This is the part that can be quite fiddly. I lay my pin down like this:
I then sew around the back bit of the safety pin (the bit that doesn’t open) and voila your fabric brooch is finished!
Here are some variations.
Thursday, 19 April 2007
Today's clothes

Wednesday, 18 April 2007
Some clothes I've been wearing recently

Here's the outfit I wore today - this was taken just before I posted this so quite late at night so please ignore the hair! I have also taken off my green beads that matched the top nicely. The top has a cupcake pattern on it - I will take a close up later and post it up tomorrow.

Tuesday, 17 April 2007
My first bag!

Here's a close up of the pin I made to brighten it up. I really like this and I think I'll have to make myself one tonight. It comes off so if Anya ever fancies a change then it can be done quickly.

Monday, 16 April 2007
French fancies

Phew - busy weeks are hopefully past us. Matt flew back from Goa on Wednesday 4th April - he landed at 10.30pm and we were on the road to France at 10am the following morning. Had a nightmare journey - it took 10 hours to get to Folkestone (!) - and consequently we missed our crossing. We were then booked onto the 12.20am crossing (original crossing was 6.20pm) but we didn't get onto the train until 1.20 and we finally arrived at the hotel at 3 am. Anya wouldn't then go back to sleep and lay kicking me until 4.40!!! I was not a happy person :-(
Anyway it was lovely to finally see Matt's sister's house which is about 3 1/2 hours south of Paris. As you drive into the village you are greeted by the sight of the river and the canal merging in a marina type area - it's beautiful but my attempts to describe it are horrendous!! The location and the house itself were well worth the traveling time.
Obviously being me I manged to fit in a few trips to the local brocante (which translates as second hand trade) It was like heaven on earth for me - nothing upmarket - just a glorious junk shop full to the brim of stuff!! I restrained myself and only bought a few postcards which I am hoping to turn into notecards with humorous captions. Here's a few pictures of them.

In the brocante I did spot the most wonderful little calender that was a burgundy coloured dog with a holder for little plastic bits with the names of the days of the week etc that you turned over to change the date. It was 1 euro and I didn't buy it!!! How daft am I? I then tried to go back but the owner has a mind of his own and varies the opening times on a daily basis and whenever we went back he was closed. Luckily (my husband disagrees!) my sister- in- law saw the calender and will try to buy it for me when she goes back to the house in May. I hope she can get it - I've been kicking myself for not buying it there and then.
We also managed to get to another brocante in another town but this was obviously the creme de la creme of brocantes. It was more like a traditional antiques fair and it was very pricey. One print that Matt looked at of the local area (thinking it might make a nice present for his sister) was 300 euros! We left that stall pretty quickly. We did find one reasonably priced stall and I bought the cutest buttons from him - just got to figure out what to do with them now!

Sunday, 1 April 2007
Yellow dungarees - cruelty or not!??

I'm sure that when Matt sees the photo's of Tara in these dungaree's he will think I am being cruel but I love them!! Bright yellow 70's flared dunagrees with a cute chick embroidered on the front - whats not to love?? Anya didn't get to wear these as by the time I'd remembered that we had them, she was too big. I'm sure that Tara will be wearing them lots to make up for it!

On a crafty note I have sold my first cheeky chicken on Etsy. I am very pleased and I'm currently cutting up thrifted fabrics to make some more! Keep an eye out here and on Etsy for more updates.