Monday, 27 June 2011

Giveaway winner!

Morning! I've been up since 5.30am but lets not dwell on that :) The giveaway winner is revealed below*.

It's number 11 Oh Sew Beautiful. I'll try and get in touch with you to get your address :)

*I included the time and date at the bottom so you could see that there is no cheating!


noodleBubble said...

ALSO up at crack of dawn!

Well done Oh Sew Beautiful & Good Luck getting through the day awake Lyndsey!


ohsewbeautiful said...

Oh my! I've never won anything in my whole life! (apart from a cactus at a coffee morning..) What a lovely suprise to wake up too :) Thankyou!!


dropstitch said...

Jealous! I've been up since 5.30 too (and was at work till midnight - yawn). What's going on???