Friday, 7 October 2011

Charity shop finds

I went to the charity shop the other day and bought a few things :)

Some books for me and some for the girls. I'm not sure about the bottom one though. I read a review of it  when it came out and it intrigued me although I'm not sure I'm going to enjoy it. I'm sure I'll let you know :)

A magazine to chop up that has already has been chopped :) Speedy me!

The staple of any charity shopping trip has to be doilies and Nana linens! It's not just me surely :)

Two cardigans - the bottom one is very snuggly and the top one is a very boring navy blue one. I do have plans for it though :)

But this is the score of the week - a fabulous book about keeping house that was published in 1950. It really is brilliant with lots of cool photographs and hints and tips. It will have it's own post soon :) But I will show you this one page - something for me to teach the girls!

Come on girls - time to get your housecraft on :)


CurlyPops said...

What a great haul - I spied that 50 christmas things to make and do. Looks very interesting!

june at noon said...

Doilies are such easy things to stock up on that they *must* be on the thrifting list. I usually come home with at least a couple, 'though I've had to watch my budget lately (and I have quite a stash already).

Twiggy said...

Great finds, think I'd prefer witchcraft to housecraft though :)
Twiggy x

Lea said...

Nope it's not just you. I head straight for the linen and doilies every time.