The lovely people behind
Dorothy and Theodore will be exhibiting at the Baby Show at Earls Court at the end of October and have asked some sellers to send in an example of their products for the stand. I have several chicken designs up on their site and have narrowed my selection to send, down to two. However, I need your help in deciding which one goes off to be admired by lots of people! Both are space themed but I can't decide which one - please help!
50's Astronaut
Kids In Space
I think I prefer Kids In Space but I'm not sure. Do let me know which one you prefer in the comments!
difficult, but kids in space
It's a close call, but I think I prefer kids in space too. Don't think either chicken would let you down though!
Kids in space! The bright aqua blue and stars make it a winner for me! :)
Kids in Space I reckon
Kids in space :)
Kids in space too for me!
I think Kids in Space, being a little bit brighter, is just a teeny bit more eye-catching, so that one gets my vote.
Kids in space is definitely more punchy -people will notice it and buy millions and millions of them and you'll be rich :)
I vote for Kids in Space.
yep kids in space
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