Monday, 29 October 2007
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
Bit and bobs!
Now when I opened this window to write a post I had a wonderful idea for what I was going to write - now I've completely forgotten!! That's what waking up at 6.15am does for you - not voluntarily I hasten to add!
Well I'll have to see if I remember and if not then I will add the other little bits I'd thought of. Here's a prototype chicken Christmas decoration I have made. I'm not sure if I will use the same fabric but the size is about right for what I want. And they are quite easy to make too although a little fiddly!
I'm also thinking of joining in with crafting 365. This is where (can you guess!) you craft everyday and take a photo of what you have made that day and then you can upload your photo's to the flickr group and if you have one, post details on your blog. I was inspired by Bugs and Fishes and I think Bombus has started to do it too! So I would be in good company! I'm not going to start yet though as I need to crack on with some stuff that isn't very interesting and I'm away for a couple of days so no photographs! I think it would be good though as I would have the motivation to do something everyday as I can't be posting shabby photos can I?
Oh I was also featured in another Etsy treasury the other day - this one was for recycled gifts and I was in good company!
My egg box sewing kit was included and is second row down in the middle. The photo underneath is of a birdhouse made from children's old shoes - how fab is that!! If you want to see who made them then a few are in my favourites over on my etsy shop. And of course my treasury can be seen over in my Etsy Treasury Screenshots on Flickr!
Well I can't remember what I was originally going to blog about so there may well be another post later today although I do need to make part of my mum's birthday pressie!
Well I'll have to see if I remember and if not then I will add the other little bits I'd thought of. Here's a prototype chicken Christmas decoration I have made. I'm not sure if I will use the same fabric but the size is about right for what I want. And they are quite easy to make too although a little fiddly!

Oh I was also featured in another Etsy treasury the other day - this one was for recycled gifts and I was in good company!

Well I can't remember what I was originally going to blog about so there may well be another post later today although I do need to make part of my mum's birthday pressie!
Sunday, 21 October 2007
Especially for Samuel!
Lazy day!
Well we have had the laziest Sunday ever!! We had a bit of a lie in this morning til 7.15 - so not much but others with children will probably relate! Matt cooked a delicious breakfast for us - sausages, bacon, eggs, mushrooms, baked beans and toast - yum yum! We played with the girls this morning and I listed some more things on Etsy. A couple more knitting needle bracelets are up there and a new paperweight chicken.
I also updated the items I have on Dawanda and have added listings in both French and German. My knowledge of German is none existent and I know a little bit of French - enough to know if the sentence look like it is making sense anyway! I used babelfish to translate the listings so I hope they make sense! I wasn't sure that translating my listings would help but the one I translated a couple of months ago has had lots more views than the ones I hadn't. I've decided that when I make things I will make 2 of everything (if that's possible) so that I have one for Etsy and one for Dawanda.
I managed to make two commissioned chickens (apart from the zips and eyes!) - one as a birthday present for a very cute baby who will be 1 and one for a Christmas present for someone! Pictures once the recipients have seen them!
Oh and the reason it has been a very lazy day is that we are all still in our pajama's!! The girls are going in the bath in a minute and getting into clean pajama's before tea and then Matt and me will go in the shower later.
Have a nice rest of Sunday everybody!

I managed to make two commissioned chickens (apart from the zips and eyes!) - one as a birthday present for a very cute baby who will be 1 and one for a Christmas present for someone! Pictures once the recipients have seen them!
Oh and the reason it has been a very lazy day is that we are all still in our pajama's!! The girls are going in the bath in a minute and getting into clean pajama's before tea and then Matt and me will go in the shower later.
Have a nice rest of Sunday everybody!
Friday, 19 October 2007
Tired, tired,tired!
I was just getting into the swing of posting regularly on here and now I'm getting that 'plurgh' blogging feeling! I think it's because I am tired - the girls have been waking up often in the night and very early in the morning - little minx's! So I'm leaving you here with a big shout out for the England Rugby team - and as a tribute I have created an Etsy Treasury specially.
The link is here just in case you want to see it in all it's glory too. I'm not too sure how long it stays live after the treasury has finished so I will have to check back and make sure it doesn't take you to a dead page!
I have a couple of custom orders to do this week so hopefully I will back with those soon.

I have a couple of custom orders to do this week so hopefully I will back with those soon.
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
Corners of my house

Monday, 15 October 2007
Bits and bobs
I'm busy at the moment working on a wholesale order - nearly half done and it needs to be sent off at the end of this week/start of next. I'm hoping that the postal strikes aren't going to happen again this week although I do have the option of delivering it myself if it comes to that! I'm going upstairs in a sec to sew some more and I'm hoping that Tara likes being up there - tough if not really!!
Here's a couple of exciting things that happened at the weekend - we went out to lunch at Pizza Hut! Not superbly exciting but it was nice to go out, and of course I got dressed up! I've joined a group on Flickr called 100% Thrifted and as you might be able to guess from the title, your outfit for the day has got to be 100% thrifted - apart from underwear and socks/tights. I can't really do it during the week because I am rubbish at taking photo's of myself with timers or in mirrors etc so it's going to have to be left to the weekends when Matt can take photo's. So anyway here is my 100% thrifted outfit!
The dress is from a charity shop in town called Only Foals and Horses - I saw it on the rack and squealed out loud. And it was only £2! The jacket was given to me by one of my housemates at uni - she was throwing it out but I wouldn't let her! The shoes were from my friend Jennie and they used to belong to her mum. Her mum wore them to a garden party at Buckingham Palace so my shoes have been in the presence of the Queen!
My second bit of exciting news is that I got into another treasury over on Etsy! It was a thank you treasury done by Shunklies - I bought one of her items in the past year. It was actually my first item purchased on Etsy! Here is a screenshot I captured and of course it has gone into my Etsy treasury group on Flickr!!
Did you spot the chicken?? Off to sew now so hopefully there will be some pictures of finished stuff soon!
Here's a couple of exciting things that happened at the weekend - we went out to lunch at Pizza Hut! Not superbly exciting but it was nice to go out, and of course I got dressed up! I've joined a group on Flickr called 100% Thrifted and as you might be able to guess from the title, your outfit for the day has got to be 100% thrifted - apart from underwear and socks/tights. I can't really do it during the week because I am rubbish at taking photo's of myself with timers or in mirrors etc so it's going to have to be left to the weekends when Matt can take photo's. So anyway here is my 100% thrifted outfit!

My second bit of exciting news is that I got into another treasury over on Etsy! It was a thank you treasury done by Shunklies - I bought one of her items in the past year. It was actually my first item purchased on Etsy! Here is a screenshot I captured and of course it has gone into my Etsy treasury group on Flickr!!

Friday, 12 October 2007
New things on Etsy

One of my chicken paperweights - more are being uploaded this afternoon and I will be making more from new fabrics soon. I like making these as they don't have zips and are easy to finish off while watching tv. I quite like this photo too.

Wednesday, 10 October 2007

Now I know I promised a post about Ikea goodies but I'm afraid that will have to wait as when we got back from Ikea there was a parcel waiting for me on the doorstep (stupid postman but that's another post.) Anyway I had a quick peek and it was my secret swap parcel!!!!!! I'd joined a secret swap over on Etsy and I've just posted mine out to my swapee this week. Anyway - I got a gorgeous, fabulous bag from lovealittle. These aren't my pictures - Jane from lovealittle took them and I'm glad as the ones I took in my kitchen were too dark and I just had to show off the bag. It's got a little owl on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really didn't think it was possible to be in love with a bag but I am - just got to think of what to call the owl now! So a big thank you to Jane - it's fab!
Ok - you can have a little bit of Ikea stuff then! I bought lots of fabric (would you believe!) and I also got some great wrapping paper with gnomes on it! I like gnomes as well as birds! One day I'll have to take photo's of the ones in my garden.
Here's some photo's of the girls on their new chairs. My mum bought a chair for Anya but it has been climbed on and dragged round and it finally decided last week that it's leg wasn't going to stay on this time so it's gone to bin heaven!

And here's the picture that we had to take of the chairs on their own - they are quite bright and I'm not sure they will go in our Victorian house but nothing else does so why worry!

Off to Ikea this afternoon!! Enough said!!
There will be a proper post later showing off the things I bought!! Meanwhile here's a picture of Anya wearing a very cute headband that I made for her from an old pillowcase! Well the edge part of the pillowcase to be precise!
Big Bo is wearing a headband made from the hem of a vintage dress! He has to be fashionable too!
There will be a proper post later showing off the things I bought!! Meanwhile here's a picture of Anya wearing a very cute headband that I made for her from an old pillowcase! Well the edge part of the pillowcase to be precise!

Monday, 8 October 2007
Boobs and busyness!
I know that busyness isn't really a word but it will do - and it kind of fits with what I'm doing at the moment. Well I say at the moment, but what I am actually doing at the moment is catching up with some good old blog reading! It's something easy to do while I watch the girls play and it means that my time in the evenings can be spent actually making things! The busyness refers to things I should be doing which involves;
1) A wholesale order for 20 chicken doorstops
2) A present for my mum's birthday
3) A present for my friends daughters first birthday
4) Making stock for a 4 day craft fair at the end of Nov
5) Making invitations for Anya's birthday
6) Experimenting with new ideas for Christmas decorations
7) A quilt for my nephew's Christmas present - not yet started!
8) Photographing lots of new things for the Etsy shop
9) And a whole host of other things!!
Looking at it like that makes me think I should get off the computer - in fact I will once I've finished this post!
The boobs in the title refers to a couple of things. Emma from Getting Crafty did a great post about Breast Awareness month and she posted the details of what she did for it on her blog. She then posted it up onto the forum and got lots of responses and it lead me to doing a boob themed treasury over on Etsy! It won't stay up for long so I'll post a picture of it here - I like it a lot!

Anyway I'm going to put Tara down for a snooze and get on with cutting fabric for some chickens!
1) A wholesale order for 20 chicken doorstops
2) A present for my mum's birthday
3) A present for my friends daughters first birthday
4) Making stock for a 4 day craft fair at the end of Nov
5) Making invitations for Anya's birthday
6) Experimenting with new ideas for Christmas decorations
7) A quilt for my nephew's Christmas present - not yet started!
8) Photographing lots of new things for the Etsy shop
9) And a whole host of other things!!
Looking at it like that makes me think I should get off the computer - in fact I will once I've finished this post!
The boobs in the title refers to a couple of things. Emma from Getting Crafty did a great post about Breast Awareness month and she posted the details of what she did for it on her blog. She then posted it up onto the forum and got lots of responses and it lead me to doing a boob themed treasury over on Etsy! It won't stay up for long so I'll post a picture of it here - I like it a lot!

Anyway I'm going to put Tara down for a snooze and get on with cutting fabric for some chickens!
Sunday, 7 October 2007
Craft fair!!

Well it wasn't as successful as I had hoped it would be! First of all I got lost as the letter they sent had the name and address of the Museum of Salford on it - which is not near Ordsall Hall! Luckily Ruth (of Tip Top Topper's fame) had taken my phone number so she text me to say she was there and I rang her back. She then gave me the correct postcode (thank goodness I had taken Matt's Sat Nav!) and I got there very quickly.
As it was my first craft fair I really wasn't sure what to expect - the other crafters seemed nice especially the two ladies next to me. They had gorgeous bags but I was very restrained! In fact I was very good and only spent £1.25 - at Ruth's stall. I bought some toppers from her to make into a card for my dad. He collects Golly badges hence the Gollywogs toppers I bought. You can see them if you scroll down the page - check out Big Cook, Little Cook too!
I was pleased with how my stall looked even though I realised that my tablecloth was crooked only after I had laid everything out properly!! You can see more of my photo's here - with notes to show you what all the things are! This was my favourite bit of my stall.

Lots of thanks must go to my lovely sister Sarah for helping out with making pom poms yesterday, and to my lovely hubby Matt for helping me to make all sorts last night as I was panicking! Thanks :)
Friday, 5 October 2007
Busy day!

Well today has been one of those days and it is only 3 o'clock!! I dropped Anya off at nursery and then headed back home with Tara and we then went into town. I needed to get some money for the float for the craft fair on Sunday and of course I had to look round the charity shops while I was there!! Before we parked I'd tried to drop off the stuff I sorted yesterday at the charity shops but the first one I went to had no spaces nearby and then the 2nd one wasn't open! I always try to donate to the local ones (rather than the big national chain charity shops) and just before we went to pick Anya up we managed to drop the stuff off at the Pendleside Hospice Shop. I also bought some fab fabric from there - gorgeous children's fabric with letters on it with corresponding pictures. I'm not sure what it is going to be (maybe a PE bag for Anya for next year?) but I'm sure I'll find something!

It's quite overcast here today - hence the slightly dark photo's and as soon as I got the fabric straight then Tara decided that she wanted to come and have a picnic on it!

My lovely sister is coming to see me tomorrow and help out with getting ready for the craft fair/look after the girls so Matt can help with the fair. I love my sister :)
I have a feeling that this is what I am going to be doing a lot tomorrow

Thursday, 4 October 2007
So far today
I have not done any crafting! I have spent nearly all day cleaning and sorting my kitchen and utility room. I have sorted out 2 black bin bags for the charity shop and two big bags of rubbish (not just from the kitchen I hasten to add!)
No pics sorry but I am going to get my tablecloth ready now for the fair on Sunday so I will (weather permitting) have some photo's for you tomorrow.
No pics sorry but I am going to get my tablecloth ready now for the fair on Sunday so I will (weather permitting) have some photo's for you tomorrow.
Wednesday, 3 October 2007
New group on Flickr
I've started up a new group on Flickr where you can post pictures of any Etsy treasuries that you have curated or featured in. I know there are groups on there for when your treasury gets onto the front page but seeing as I haven't been there yet (sniff!) but have featured in 'normal' treasuries then a group on Flickr seemed like a good idea. Of course feel free to put your front page treasuries in there too! Here's the link for it and here's a pretty picture too!
I wasn't going to mention it yet - too busy getting ready for the craft fair - but it was metioned on the Craftzine blog so I thought I would write this up too!
I was featured on the Dawanda front page the other day too - I was very pleased with that! I'm not quite sure how they work it all out over there but needless to say I was thrilled. Naturally I took a screenshot of that too! My Cheeky Chicken is on the top left!

I also have a big thank you to say to my friend Alex - she has been a super dooper helper today and has made 60 gift tags for me ready for the craft fair!! She came over with two of her children so Anya and Francesca played upstairs while Tara slept and Nathaniel lay on the floor quite happily watching us making! He'd better get used to it! So thanks Alex :)

I was featured on the Dawanda front page the other day too - I was very pleased with that! I'm not quite sure how they work it all out over there but needless to say I was thrilled. Naturally I took a screenshot of that too! My Cheeky Chicken is on the top left!

I also have a big thank you to say to my friend Alex - she has been a super dooper helper today and has made 60 gift tags for me ready for the craft fair!! She came over with two of her children so Anya and Francesca played upstairs while Tara slept and Nathaniel lay on the floor quite happily watching us making! He'd better get used to it! So thanks Alex :)
Monday, 1 October 2007
Work in progress
I've been inspired by Lupins work over on Flickr and her blog. Not to pinch ideas mind - just the way she works. She lays things out on trays and that is her evening's work. I like it so much that I have decided to copy that idea - I doubt I am as productive though as I keep getting distracted by the computer!
So here is the fruits of an evening's work whilst listening to Radcliffe and Maconie on Radio 2 - although Mark Radcliffe isn't there this week because he is standing in for Steve Wright (which in my opinion makes the Big Show listenable!). Can you tell I don't go a bundle on Steve Wright!
Anyway here's some work! Apologies for the dodgy photo's - it's late and I really can't be bothered to go up two flights of stairs to put them in the light box - sorry!
Here's a blurred close up of my faves - you get the general idea though!
These are all going to the craft fair on Sunday and then will be listed on Etsy if they don't sell!
Edited to add - I have made 70 gift tags today (minus the string) so I'm quite pleased with myself. And yes I did go and count them!!
So here is the fruits of an evening's work whilst listening to Radcliffe and Maconie on Radio 2 - although Mark Radcliffe isn't there this week because he is standing in for Steve Wright (which in my opinion makes the Big Show listenable!). Can you tell I don't go a bundle on Steve Wright!
Anyway here's some work! Apologies for the dodgy photo's - it's late and I really can't be bothered to go up two flights of stairs to put them in the light box - sorry!

Edited to add - I have made 70 gift tags today (minus the string) so I'm quite pleased with myself. And yes I did go and count them!!
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