We were in full on thrifty mode last weekend as it was the annual huge jumble sale where my parents live and on the Saturday you can fill a black bin bag full of stuff for £3. Bargain huh? I'm not showing you those finds today (imagine fabric, books, bric a brac and clothes) as they are still going through the washer/sink so I will show you some things I spotted on the Friday instead. The sale is on for a few days and Friday is half price day so we always go and have a look round and see if there is anything there that we like that we think someone else will grab on the Saturday. I'm fairly lucky in that no one else seems to have my taste in clothes so the granny dresses and skirts are normally still there! Anyway, Matt got a whole load of jumpers and I grabbed a small plastic orange deer (no pics as I can't find him at the moment!) Matt was looking through the books when he spotted this tray and he knew it had to come home with us!

The only problem though was that he wasn't for sale! He belonged to a lady in the kitchen (they feed and water the volunteers) and it was her favourite tray. However she said if we really wanted it and would give £4 to the charity for it then we could have it. So I handed over my £4 and it was ours!
Then we went round the charity shops in town and I spotted this lady teapot and cup. She is a granny knitting! How perfect is that? Anyway, I spotted her and nearly didn't look as I thought she would be expensive but was surprised to see she was only 75p. Yes really!! So she too came home with us!
We got many more bargains on the Saturday but as I say they are drying around the house/in piles to be put away and I can't be bothered to sort/look for them at the moment! Happy Saturday!