I first spotted this meme on
Nikkishell and then I spotted it on
Meet Me At Mikes. I decided to join in the fun too :) Here's what to do : one by one, type each letter of the alphabet in the URL Line of your Browser. Your most visited sites beginning with this letter - or using this letter within their address - will show in the little pop-up box below the URL Line. Take the top site - or the next one if you have privacy/security issues with the first - and add it to your A to Z list.

A -
Aceo Showcase - one of the blogs I run
B -
BBC News - a great online news page
C -
Cuteable - another blog I run!
D -
Daisie Days - a friends blog
E -
Etsy - a fab online marketplace for all thing handmade
F -
Folksy - another fab online place for all things handmade
G - Gmail - my email site
H -
Etsy Treasure Hunt - fab little site for telling if you are in a treasury
I -
Iris and Lily - fab little blog
J -
Craft Juice - a site for showing off your work for free - yeah!
K -
Kala - another great blog
L -
Linda Boucher - fab blog full of great things
M -
Google Maps - for when I need to know where places are!
N -
Club 80-90 forum - not sure why it came up under N but there you go! Got it - new forum!
O -
Flickr - organise on Flickr - I seem to spend half my life there!
P - Paypal - need to get my money somehow!
Q - Confused.com - I got a car insurance quote from them
R - Google Reader - I read all of my blogs through here
S - Swirlythoughts - this very blog!
T -
Twitter - kind of obvious to those who know me!
U -
UK Handmade - 'cos it's good
V -
Vacuuming in High Heels and Pearls - great blog
W -
Wise Craft - another cool blog
X -
XE.com - a good currency converter
Y -
You Tube - need I say more?
Z -
Zebula Designs - this came up as the lady who runs it won the HUGE giveaway prize on Cuteable at the start of the year!
Phew, that was fun and quite long to do but it shows some of the sites I visit regularly. Perhaps I should do one from my Google Reader next!