Right, you have already seen my stall so it is time to show off everyone else's. First though have a look at the space in
Keighley Arts Factory - it's great and the light was very good too.

From one end

And looking back from the other. If you are wondering what the sheep are in the middle of the space then
look here. I can guarantee that they look great in real life too!
In no particular order here are the stalls.
My Furoshiki
Angels and Butterflies
Mrs Sew and Sew
A.Deegan. I think my next purchase may have to be one of her '
Betty's Hen' prints!
Dig The Earth
Print For Love Of Wood
Ruby Spirit Designs
Buri BooAnd I have a confession to make - I haven't got a photograph of Kirsten (
Quernus Crafts) stall as every time I got my camera out she had people there. And everyone knows you don't disturb a crafter when they have people at their stall! I know Kirsten took a picture of her stall so I will try and grab one for you later.
Also there were some Folksy folk who attended who didn't have stalls.
Laura's Little Lovelies,
Sadi Soul and
Dichroic Dazzle, who should get special mention as she travelled all the way up from Birmingham! If I've forgotten anyone then let me know!
As well as setting up stalls so we could show off our work we also had two workshops to attend. Wax batik run by Jo of
Glassprimitif (who incidentally organised the event too) and a Letterpress workshop run by Jax of
Print For Love Of Wood. Both were excellent and below you can see what I made in the Wax Batik workshop.

Not bad for a first attempt I thought!
I also didn't leave empty handed and bought a couple of things too :)

A gorgeous button print (that just had to be mine) from
Dig The Earth and a cute Santa cat from
Quernus Crafts. I'd been eyeing up the print for ages and was then mortified when I thought Mich from
My Furoshiki had bought it - luckily she was just holding it so she could look at the equally gorgeous butterfly print behind! Phew!
Well that was a mammoth post - pat yourself on the back if you got to the end :)