Saturday, 18 May 2013

Giveaway time :)

I haven't had a giveaway on the blog for a long time so here is one to cheer up May (it's miserable, cold and wet here in the UK, not like Spring at all!) I will be offering a custom pincushion/paperweight*, and some gift tags sets including these lovely Lego ones.

I will probably throw in some other bits and bobs too so well worth an entry! I'm not going to make you jump through hoops and 'like me' on Facebook etc (although by all means feel free to!) so just leave a comment on this post saying hello, telling me a joke or just imparting a bit of knowledge :) Anything really! Just make sure I have some way of contacting you to let you know that you have won. I'll end this next Saturday (the 25th) so you have plenty of time to think up jokes! International people can enter too so tell your overseas friends!

Good luck!

*By custom chicken I mean that you can choose the type of fabric you want - colour, type, design - and I will email you photographs of the fabrics I have and we will go from there. Nana and Liberty chickens are included so fill your boots :) But do bear in mind that I may not have the exact fabric style you want so a bit of give and take will be needed.


Mariël said...

Hi! I recently started following you're blog, and I love the things you make. So I would really like to enter the giveaway and I hope you ship to the Netherlands!
You kan reach me through my blog


Vintage from the Village said...

Hi I'd love to enter, I love your products.
Best wishes
Vinatge from the Village blog

veronica said...

I've just used the robin tags I bought off you so would love to win some more-and a chicken pin cushion would look lovely on my sewing table.

jjnkknmkkl said...

Hello!! Your chickens are cute!! Xx

dropstitch said...

I have two funny stories to share with you as my entry, but I am going to email them to you as they both involve friends of mine in embarrassing situations that they might not want shared quite so publicly. Stand by your inbox!

Unknown said...

I have just found your blog on Craft your stuff.I am also a member and am in the process of setting up a blog - started yesterday...seems to be more complcated than it should be - how do I follow your blog? I am and run and think weather is miserable too!!

Heather B said...

I have been following your blog for some time and my target is to open an etsy shop shortly. My facebook page is

Unknown said...

Why did the chicken take his life in his wings and cross the busy road? He smelt the unmistakable smell of the Colonel's special seasoning and knew he'd better chicken run away. Sorry that was terrible but I'd love a chicken :-) Sarah at

Pookledo said...

Another colourful blog entry. :)

Debbie said...

I would love to be entered! Those gift tags are lovely.

Stephanie Fletcher said...

Oh please enter me! I've had my eye on one of your lovely chickens for a while now ;)

Steph x