Here are some before pictures!

Huge overgrown hedge and a blossom tree that is much too big for the patch of ground it is in.

And this is what it looked like with the hedge gone (a huge job done earlier in the year) Please note the nasty wonky wall behind Tara. There is also half a large skip full of earth behind that wall too - I know because Mum, Dad and I shifted it all on Monday!

And this is it now. It still needs a lot of work like gravel, pretty pots and possibly a bench but it is looking sooooooooo much better!

From the driveway looking down

And on the other side of the driveway (it's a double width one) is this little patch of garden which has had a tidy up - not that you would be able to tell, but it has!

Gorgeous huge blooms on my clematis this year :)

And Tara pretending that the clematis is actually the beanstalk and she is Jack :)

And a little patch I forgot to tidy up - I'll do it soon :)
This month is hectic what with little girls turning 4, parties for little girls who are turning 4, 3 school trips (2 of which I am going on as a parent helper), craft fairs, restocking some of my suppliers, ballet shows with rehearsals - you get the picture! So something has to give a little over the next month and I am afraid it can't be Cuteable as it brings us money in (!) so it has to be this little space. I'm not abandoning it altogether but there won't be daily posts for a bit. I also have about 300 photographs to go through on Flickr to see if I have listed the items photographed or if they are just lounging around 'unshopped' Oh and I have the mother of all to-do lists.
Wish me luck?
Sounds like a month of crazy is landing at your place.
Look after yourself !!!
Good luck with everything, we will still be here!
The garden is coming on great. Been there, done that so know what a huge task it must have been.
good luck with it all! :)
the garden looks really nice and also a lot of work :)
I can't believe how BIG it looks!! Yay for Nana and Grandad T! xxx
Good luck Lynsey - you can do it if anyone can!! :D It's good to be so busy!
Good luck, for sure! Busy can be good. Just don't forget to rest every so often. :)
Good luck!!
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