All of the artwork below will be going up onto the wall at some stage but at the moment it is resting on the little shelf that I am not sure what to do with!

Here are some details of the artwork I have and where I got it from!
These first 2 are from
Cooplet - love them!! Anya and I had great fun the other evening deciding what to call the girl. We still haven't decided!

This next one is an original from
Jellybeans. There is a print hiding behind the original too that Matt surprised me with.

This next photo has two artists in it -
Mikiep and
Lu Summers. The girl power print is from Mikiep and the houses are from Lu Summers.

And this next piece of original artwork is also from
Lu Summers. I could shop in her shop all day long!

This piece of gocco'ed loveliness is from
Paper Sparrow. It jumped into my basket on Etsy when I was shopping for cards!

Apologies for the blurriness of this photo below - it was getting close to bedtime and I just wanted to get the girls to bed! I won this print from
Eggman Studios in a giveaway - I was thrilled and got to choose whichever print I wanted!

And this final print below is so very me! It reads 'George wanted to be an iced gem more than anything' and can be found over at
Little Doodles store. I bought it with my Christmas money from my lovely MIL.