My 100% thifted outfit yesterday paid off and I found lots in the charity shops of Accrington! The first shop we went into (I went with Alex of
Daisie Days) is a cross between a second hand shop and a charity shop. I spotted these fabulously retro cake tins (my mum had a similar set when I was small) but they didn't have a price on. Imagine how pleased I was when she said the whole set of 5 was £2!!!

I have been baking this morning and two of the tins are now full of jam tarts and cakes :)

This picnic rug just shouted at me to be bought - at first I wasn't sure what it was but it is a zipped up picnic rug - perfect for when we go camping! And of course the girls had to test it out. £2

I collect magnets and this one was perfect for 30p!

This skirt is gorgeous and really quite heavy - it also looks like it hasn't been worn! I love the detail around the waist and on the belt too - £2.95

I'm not sure if this dress will suit me as it has a dropped waist and I am a pear shape but if not then Alex has said she will help me turn it into a skirt - well it was her idea so I'm sure she will help :) £3.95

The kids weren't totally left out either and they got 2 new books a a set of pick up sticks.
Now you may recall that April is
Use What you Have month and that is why none of the things that follow are craft supplies (honestly!) but look exactly like craft supplies :) *
Imagine this said in my best Marks and Spencers ad voice (for those of you in the UK). This is not fabric but a very long scarf for Anya.

A very, very long scarf - it's about 10ft long!
These are not buttons but sweets carefully constructed to look exactly like buttons! See they are so clever that they have put them on cards just like real buttons!

And these aren't pattens but a cleverly constructed doubled sized book!

And this most definitely isn't a a pair of fabulous retro pillowcases that are crying out to be turned into chicken doorstops - oh no. They might actually get used as pillowcases!

*OK so I totally failed at use what you have month but with goodies like these, would you have been able to resist??