My creative space today mainly consists of watching this little lot dry!

I will fold it later and put it nicely in a pile ready to have it's edges pinked but I won't be doing that today as my wrists are still very sore from punching out hundreds of gift tag shapes from paper and card yesterday! I will also try and glue some of the aforementioned tags together :) I may also sort some more fabric to be washed but I don't really want to push things!
Go and see what proper crafty people are up to today over at
I love laundry drying on the line. I have had two lines worth on everyday. Love that fresh smell.
Oh how lovely. Look at all that sunshine in your backyard!
At least it's nice colourful washing :)
I love washing out on lines. I've always had a thing about washing blowing in the wind, especially when the sun is shining like it has done for the past few days. Just hoping it will last through summer so that we have lots more washing line days!!!
Oh how I hate those days when you want to move on with the next project but your body is still protesting from the last. The things I have put my poor hands and wrist through, I hope they continue to forgive me and bounce back! I hope you are ready to man the pinking shears today.
That piccie is lovely. Thoughts of days gone by when mum only had a copper (to boil in) in the kitchen and washday took all day. Everything was ironed and put away by teatime. We have more gadgets now but everything seems to take twice as long!
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