I had hoped to get out to the charity shops on Monday but forgot that I had to stay in to wait for a courier to collect a parcel - grrr. However I made it out to a local town, Accrington, yesterday and I am very glad I managed to go. Accrington hasn't let me down yet (I got my
massive button haul from there) and it didn't let me down yesterday :) In fact if you search my blog for Accrington you will see the many bargains I have got. Anyway, back to yesterday's finds!

Innocent looking boxes you say? Hah - they house treasures :)

Gorgeous thread - the colours aren't captured here very well.


And some intriguing wooden buttons - some have been painted/drawn on already. I'm going to have fun playing with these!

Tara was wearing this funky half apron while I was taking the photograph hence the blurriness. She wouldn't stand still!

A book to chop :) It has two pages missing.

A lovely tablecloth with matching napkins still in it's original packaging! All of the above was mine for £5! I couldn't quite believe it either! I then went to another shop where I bought.....

A top for Anya - there are cute birds and bikes on the red fabric.

A faded pillowcase

A hanky for 10p

Two pretty linens - one was 30p and the other was 65p!

Two lots of bias binding for 50p

These placemats/napkins (there are 12 of various sizes) for £1.50. They are very sheer fabric - organza perhaps?

And this pretty dress from Marks and Spencers - it is brand new!! It cost me £3! It also has lots of nice details which are lost in the photo.

I got these 3 books for £1 in a different shop. Destined to be cut up as they have damaged covers/pages.

This Dirndl dress was the 'piece de resistance' of the whole trip. I spotted the back first so didn't realise it was a Dirndl dress until I turned it round. The embroidery is gorgeous and it fits like a dream :) The only snag is that is shows quite a bit of boob and while I do have it, I don't necessarily want to flaunt it quite *that* much! So the hunt is on for a top that I can wear underneath it - I may just go for black long sleeved at the moment. Or I can wear it backwards - looks just as good :) I'll just have to remember not to wear Heidi plaits on top of my head at the same time as wearing this dress as it may enter the realm of costume!