Sorry for the capital letters but I have just scored THE BEST button stash ever!!! Let me tell you the story behind it first :) Matt booked my car in for it's MOT this morning but instead of the Kwik Fit in Burnley he mistakenly booked it into the one in Accrington (about 5 miles away) No problem I thought as I have never been charity shop shopping in Accy before so there's an opportunity. Anyway on the way to finding the garage I drove past my idea of charity shop heaven - a grotty looking one that was for a local charity rather than the big ones like Oxfam etc. Anyway it took me until quarter to 11 to get back to this shop and I wasn't dissapointed! It had piles of books tottering over and stuff I had to wheel Tara around carefully in case I broke anything! Then I spotted two huge racks of buttons against the wall and a sign stating 'Fill a tube for £3' So I did but as I was doing so I started to wonder how much it would be for all of the buttons :) I asked and was quoted a price that was too high for me but I bartered her down and this is what I got!

Not all the tubes are full and most don't correspond with the button on top but I am going to have so much fun sorting through these little beauties!!
Oh and the girls take after me - this is them appreciating the buttons when I brought them in!
That has got to be THE best find ever. I am soooooo jealous. Button Heaven... Enjoy the sorting.
wowee wow wow :-)
I am seriously green with envy!
agree! best find ever...well, unless they cost you £1,000 or something
Yay buttons
And I thought your tin of buttons was fab!! This is seriously good. I WILL have to go to Accy now - needs are a must hehehe!!!
I can't believe you got the whole stash. I am unbelievably jealous.
I wholeheartedly agree about the best charity shops being the independent ones.
Wow - you lucky girl! This took me right back to my childhood when I used to play with the buttons from my Mum's sewing box. (We didn't have many proper toys in those days)! I still love buttons and have several boxes of them, but nothing on this grand scale! Enjoy your "sorting-out" sessions!
Sylvia x
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