I went for a very long walk yesterday - 4.8 miles to be precise - and today my legs are aching slightly but not as much as I thought they would. Tara and I spotted where the blackberries of Burnley hide out so we are going to head up there this weekend and get picking for more jam making. The walk itself wasn't too bad until I got to a hill and I realised I had forgotten how steep it was. I have to drive up parts of it in 1st gear and the rest in second gear!! My legs hurt after that (!) and I got some laughs from some builders who watched me pant past them with my very red face! Good to know I can amuse people!
Off to walk into town after lunch to buy some double sided sticky tape from Poundland (oh the excitement) and I might have to pop into some charity shops while I am there :)
4.8 miles! 0.o Thats a long stroll. Should have pushed the builders down the hill ;)
Congrats on the treasury--it sure is pretty! Wow--that's a long walk...and up (and down!) a steep hill to boot! Good for you. Those builders were probably just thinking how cute you look with your rosy cheeks :o)
Smiles, Karen
Did you not get Tara to shout at the builders?!!
Congrats on the treasury too!! And the walk!
congratulations on the treasury! it is a great feeling!
I like walking too, it is really good for you!
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