Friday 3 September 2010

Melty Mummy moment!

I was cooking sausages last night for tea and the girls were playing out the front when I got a shout to come and look at something that the girls had made for me.

They had taken the flowers off a hydrangea bush we have growing in the garden and used to leaves to add decoration. Anya told me it was to say congratulations for being a gorgeous and wonderful Mummy! Aaaaaaaaaaah :)

Remind me of this aaaaaah moment next week when I am besieged by hungry, tired, grumpy girls after school won't you? I am not looking forward to dealing with a grumpy Tara! She gets tired easily at the best of times but goodness knows what a full day at school is going to do to her!


june at noon said...

Aw, what sweeties. It's definitely important to remember those moments--too easy to let the other ones outweigh them. ;)

Tip Top said...

Hehehe! But I bet you can't wait eh?!!!