Monday, 31 March 2008
Fab day!
Then after lunch Phil showed us how to make dichroic items. Ours were still being fired so we couldn't bring them home but as soon as they arrive I will show them off! Here are a couple of the layered pendants I made! What do you think?

So all in all it was a fab day and I would heartily recommend it - both for what you learn and Phil's great teaching. Now how much were those kilns again? I will post pictures of the other things I made once they have been fired and sent by Phil!
Sunday, 30 March 2008
Exciting things!
I'll be back later with news of how it went. Have a good Sunday!
Saturday, 29 March 2008
Celebration and competition!
Cute new envelope

The bottom 2 photographs are of the back of the envelopes with the nursery rhyme on - I've never heard this one. Have you? Expect to see more of these soon!!
Friday, 28 March 2008
Why oh why....

Thursday, 27 March 2008
Business cards

Wednesday, 26 March 2008
Wednesday weigh in
Into other news I went into town yesterday and got some fab things in the charity shop. One book I got is about embroidery (but it's too boring to photograph) and the other has kept the girls amused for ages.

I love the felt hats below.


Monday, 24 March 2008
Nice break

Friday, 21 March 2008
1. I have a phobia of water - not washing water (!) but large bodies of water like rivers, canals etc. I really don't like boats or even walking alongside waterways. It's strange really as I can swim but don't like to!
2. I LOVE charity shops, jumble sales, fleas markets, car boots sales - you get the picture. My ideal day would be to get up and go charity shopping all day. In fact when we were in New York recently we managed to find a flea market. I saw a beautiful bike but we couldn't get it home :)
3. I used to rock climb, abseil and go caving but I haven't been for years (I used to do it in the Guides). I really like the adrenaline rush!
4. I used to be 16st and a size 20/22 but now I'm 12 and a bit stone and a size 14/16. I'd like to get down another dress size and tone up a bit but don't we all!
5. Gosh this is hard! I love reading and used to read a book a day before the children came along but now it's limited to a chapter or two before bed.
6. I like Granny Chic dressing - even though I am only 30!

7. I love vintage ephemera - in fact any ephemera - but especially postcards, recipe books, ledgers, letters, autograph books etc etc. I also like using etc a lot!
There - I'm not going to tag anyone but if you would like to have a go just leave a comment and I'll come and have a look. If you want to see my last 7 facts then they are here.
Wednesday, 19 March 2008
Tuesday, 18 March 2008
I'll edit this post just before I go to bed tonight so you can see what I have done today - it's up to 12 things already!
Right here is the list - I've edited it now so things should make a bit more sense and I've moved the picture from at the end to the middle where it breaks up the long list! Also I was feeling sick and went to bed early - that's why there are no entries after 8.30
Showered 6.40
Got dressed
Made breakfast
Punched some paper flowers from a Cath Kidston catalogue
Loaded dishwasher and switched it on
Got girls dressed
Brush teeth
Straighten hair (don’t do it every day!)
Hung washing up on airer
Checked emails
Moderated comments on cuteable
Cleaned downstairs loo
Cut out cardboard for tags
Walked Anya up to nursery 8.40
Posted letters
Wrote a brief swirlyarts blog post
Responded to some emails
Put a load of washing on
Finished punching out flowers
Made two banana cakes
Unloaded dishwasher
Cleaned up kitchen after baking
Put dirty cake making things in dishwasher
Sorted out some mags/newspapers to go into recycling
Made a cup of tea
Sat down and read emails
Sent out Cuteable advertising details to people
Picked up the pins that
Swore as I find a pin stuck into my bum that I didn’t pick up
Hung next load of washing outside
Opened sites/pages for Cuteable article
Took cakes out of oven
Walked up to get Anya from nursery 11.15
Sliced up cakes – 1 to go in freezer.
Sat and read Now magazine for 10 mins while girls play
Made lunch and ate it! 12.20
Wrote Cuteable post
Responded to more emails
Cleared up lunch things and got some cake for girls
Looked through my blog reader ready for tomorrows clinks post
Asked a question on the crafts forum
Checked the Etsy forums
More emailing
Sorted some Flickr photo’s
Tidied our bedroom and put away the mountain of clothes piled up!
Hoovered our bedroom
Played with the girls for an hour or so while we were stripping the beds
Stripped the beds!
Sorted some stuff for the charity shop
Put the clothes in the dining room into baskets to go upstairs to be put away
Moderated some cuteable comments
Checked my email
Listed a OOAK doorstop on Etsy

Tidied up front room and kitchen
Put more stuff in the dishwasher and put it on again
Put potatoes on for tea 5.05
Moderated more cuteable comments
Through moderating comments I found a new blog for my reader!
Read some more of my magazine while tea was cooking
Had tea
Googled crafty tattoo’s as I am researching my next one!
Tidied up the tea things
Went upstairs to get the girls (and myself) in jama’s
Made our bed
Sorted the rest of the clothes out to put away
Put Anya’s clothes away while talking to Matt on phone
Read story to Anya and put her to bed
Checked emails 7.15
Emptied dishwasher and wiped surfaces down
Swept floor and put another load of washing on
Wrote tomorrow’s clinks post for Cuteable
Updated blog 8.30
These next 2 things I did all day - managing grumpy children who don’t want to do what I ask them to and also all day sorting out bickering with them or just watching them play – I didn’t want to detail all of those things separately!
I have also counted the number of things done and it reaches an impressive 77 things! Hmmm, next time I am feeling down about not crossing things off my list then perhaps I should have a look here!Monday, 17 March 2008
How wonderful....
I'm posting also to show you the idea I have had for the children's dictionary I bought yesterday at the car boot sale. Tags would've been nice but then you would have got detail but missed the overall picture. My normal envelopes would've worked but again not much of the overall illustrations. Enter the super douper bubble envelopes!

Shopping and orange dress!

At the car boot I bought an autograph book from 1918 - I love vintage ephemera! My favourite 2 pictures are below although there is a sewing related one that I love in my Flickr photostream.

I also went shopping with Alex in the afternoon to Boundry Mill as it is moving to a new site and everything was meant to be a bargain - it wasn't but I got two things for me and the rest was presents. I bought some knickers for me (which you won't be seeing!) and a fabulous bright pink knitted shrug from Windsmoor for £5! I'm sure it will be featured in some clothes photo's of me at some stage.
Bye for now.
Sunday, 16 March 2008
Car boot fun!
I'll be back later with details of any bargains and to show you a photo of the fabulous orange towelling dress I am wearing - Ruth will tell you it's fab :)
Thursday, 13 March 2008
I nearly wet myself laughing!!

And she was snoring too! I have no idea what she was doing in there in the first place! And yes she does have her dressing gown on although it was 4pm - she likes to wear it round the house over her normal clothes.
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
Tuesday, 11 March 2008
It runs in families......

Monday, 10 March 2008
Life just gets in the way!

Wednesday, 5 March 2008
Well now I know how it feels!

I've also been making different kinds of envelopes but that will have to wait until I have made a few more - just photographing one doesn't work too well! I'll leave you with some more chickens - notecards available in the shop!

Tuesday, 4 March 2008
Quick Flickr Tutorial

Just click on the group that you want to send the photo to - then something like this will come up to confirm that you have sent it to that group. Just click OK.

Now this method works really well if you only have a few photo's to upload to a group - I'll now show you how to use the organize section for uploading photo's to groups.

I'm writing this tutorial as some people aren't sure how to upload photo's to groups and rather than tell each person individually then I can just direct them here!! Don't forget to visit my groups on Flickr too UK Craftsforum, Children's art and craft, Cuteable and Etsy Treasury Screenshots.
Hope this helps - shout if not - and feel free to link to this and tell other people!
It's amazing!
I was very busy last night and yesterday finishing off little bits that have seemed to drag on forever. I have no photographs of these things yet as the sun hasn't hit the garden yet but when it does I'll take some pics!

Right well I have an Etsy order to fill so I'd better go and crack on with that!
Monday, 3 March 2008
Yucky snow

On Friday Anya has to dress up as a nursery rhyme character as it is book week so I have had lots of ideas. I haven't got time to make a costume though so we raided the dressing up boxes. This is what we came up with!

And I'll leave you with a photograph of what we had on Friday night for tea. Smiley face pizza!