Tuesday 7 July 2009


My mum is visiting this week and said that to save me from cooking that she would take us out to tea one night! I wasn't going to say no to that :) We went to what is known in our house as the pudding place. If I'd thought about it I would have taken a camera to document the sheer size of the puddings - they are huge! It's a pub that does your regular meals but the puddings are fantastic - huge and delicious.

This is what my mum came home with - a Sycamore slice which is their version of a vanilla slice (the pub is called Sycamore Farm). Looks delicious yes but it measures approx 4 inches square. That's one huge dessert!

I came home with Chocolate Junkyard which is a chocolatey mousse type thing with choc sauce and lots of marshamallows, malteasers, chocolate bits piled on top. This wasn't the normal size portion - they seem to be mean with the portions now :( The last dessert we got from them we couldn't finish all in one go.

And here is my lovely mum who treated us to these delicious things :) She wouldn't look up for a photgraph so I took one of her reading my magazine instead.