Wednesday 2 April 2008

Wednesday weigh in - and charity shops!

Well the weigh in for today is 12st 5 - which is 2lb down from last week - whooooo hoooooo! I've cut back on the amount I eat but I'm still allowing myself a treat a day. Yesterday's was a danish that my friend Alex brought over for me! She also brought a fantastic pressie for me - a chicken cup that was filled with mini creme eggs!

And here he is without his head!

I had my orange juice out of him this morning as I don't think he would cope with hot tea! And I still have all of the creme eggs although Tara and I might have one for a treat later. I also bought a pressie for Alex while I was at the charity shop but didn't take any photographs. She is going to write about it on her blog so I will post a link once she has written it - phew long sentence! The link is here now!

Well I had great luck at the charity shops yesterday and both of my favourite ones were open although the third favourite was shut - they were stocking up with loads of bags going inside so I might have to have another trip there this week! I got a few books - surprise surprise! Two are for me and the rest are destined to become tags and envelopes.

Some of the books are already cut up (organised Lynsey!) but here's a few that aren't. I remember reading some of these as a child at school and they were great - I'm going to flick through them before I cut them up.

I also got a pillowcase, some maps, a scarf, a skirt and a bag full of lace trim. The chicken bag that's normally stored in my handbag was full of lace trim so I was quite pleased with that. But the piece de resistance is this cardigan/coat. I tried it on and Tara said 'Mummy's' so who was I to argue!

I wore it up to nursery this morning and I got some admiring glances. Well I think they were admiring anyway!


Daisie said...

The book is now on blog, thanks again xxx

Jennifer Rose said...

Really nice looking coat :)
That is a very cute chicken cup, I would have eaten all the eggs :p

Anonymous said...

Great charity shop finds, love the coat!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic!!! Loving the coat!

Lindsey said...

lol Was only wondering earlier if you'd weighted in. Our scales are not much use but I think they said I'd lost 1lb this morning. Not as good as you but I haven't tried very hard.
The coat's fab. Good choice Tara.

Apryl said...

fab cup... and very cool thrifting finds... the charity shops round here are pretty dire.