I took a mum from nursery charity shop shopping on Wednesday as she had never been before and when I heard this I exclaimed that I was the person to reveal the love of thrift to her :) Luckily she agreed and didn't think I was a mad woman! I'm pleased to report that she loved it and came away with 3 tops ready for summer. I also got a few things - how could I not! Apologies for slightly dodgy photo's - I was in a rush to go and get Bumble from the garage as the guy had to be off before 4.45. We got there at 4.35 :)

Two new belts. My current red one is knackered so this quilted one will fill it's place quite nicely :) And I couldn't turn down a bit of yellow! Yellow - £1, red one £2.49

Nice bright dress! £4.50

Pale pink t-shirt (with a campervan!) £1

Shoes! I LOVE the yellow ones :) They are Dolcis ones, hardly worn and cost me £2. The other ones are Hush Puppy and have matching flower detail on the heel and they look brand new. These were £6.99 which is a bit much for me but I reasoned that they look a lot like some shoes I had seen over at
Gudrun Sjoden which were £95 so I figured that £6.99 wasn't too bad after all!

And this skirt which I couldn't get a decent full picture of at all. It is going to be christened my Minnie Mouse skirt! £3.50
I have put together an outfit with the skirt and the yellow shoes but my camera battery has died so I will reveal that tomorrow :)
P.S. I put the prices on my blog to remind myself how much I paid for the items - not to show off that I found a bargain (although that does come into it a bit!)