Sunday, 22 January 2012

Look it's me! Being slightly famous!!

Artists' Hang Out from Lewis Rennison on Vimeo.

I'm in the red skirt being the life model! I look really cross and grumpy but I was trying to concentrate on not moving :) If you are near Colne/Skipton etc and are interested in attending Artists Hangout then look at the group on Facebook - it's a great way of meeting lots of fellow crafty/artistic/musical people.

The video was made by Lewis Rennison :)


CurlyPops said...

What a lovely video - totally famous!!!

theothermousie said...

Wow - what a sweet video, it looks like it has a wonderful atmosphere there too.

Imagine me - I tweet with someone famous who wears an amazing red skirt!!!

Tip Top said...

Yeah!! I could watch it all without it stopping!!

PS Back too - dammed server!