Ok so I have totally stolen Curly Pops idea of a 2009 recap (it's ok - she said we could!) I thought 2009 wasn't too busy but reading back over my blog it certainly was!
We went to France and did a whole lot of nothing, we made a start on getting rid of crap, I finally tackled the Craft Room and made it work for me, we settled into our new bathroom, I made a pact not to go to the scrapstore (hahahahahahaha!), I made my first toy for The Toy Society and then dropped it and at the end of the month I celebrated turning 31.
I made a few things, found the alternate use for peel offs, made a crafty gift for a little girl and entered a fabulous mug swap.
Was a very busy month! I was in a book, had a sampler made for the kitchen that is very true, I went to a fabulous jumble sale and to some great charity shops, I got a (very dodgy) fringe, I resolved not to go to the scrapstore again, I went to the scrapstore and wrote a feature about them, the girls told me they loved me, some artwork went up in the craft room and I wrote a tutorial about making your own padded envelopes.
April was use what you have month (for me anyway!), I made a curtain for the bathroom, made a cute squid called Sidney, did another Toy Society drop, filled a wholesale order, played in my Mum and Dads garden, left a chicken alone in my craft room which was a bad idea, had a commission from Anya and made a slug.
The girls turned into butterflies, I sorted some buttons to be sold, I introduced Phillis to the world, I went to my first Fuse Craft Collective meeting, we discovered some pencil monsters, I listed some notebooks, listed even more notebooks and made some elephant costumes.
I showed off the goodies I got from the Brocante in France in May, I tided my porch, WE GOT BUMBLE!!!!!!!!!, My husband was fab, Bumble went for his first trip, I did a quick refashion for Tara, Tara turned 3 and I started a mad project (which still isn't finished!)
I had a teeny-tiny piece of cake, things jumped into my arms whilst shopping, I love my mum, Bozo needed some TLC, the girls made some teacher presents, Anya dressed up as a Native American, we went thrift shopping in America, I was creative at the airport and my dad is a superstar.
I got some new glasses, we went to Skipton Castle, Matt and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary, we saw cock man in Paris (just waiting for the hits that brings in!), we went to a VW festival and I finished my first quilt!
The price of my gift tags went up and I'm pleased to see they are still as popular as ever, we laughed at the incompetence of the people who lived here before us, I developed a new obsession with a magazine, I opened a Misi shop, we put the door on the bathroom finally (yes the one that was finished in January!), Tara had her first day at nursery, we made jam again, I made a book bag for Tara and developed a new range of cards.
Anya had her portrait painted, I made a nappy cake, I went to my first Ilkley Arts Market, two friends went to Australia for a good cause, I wrote a tutorial about how to use Craft Juice and I designed yet another range of cards.
I made some Christmas trees, Tara was a rainbow girl, some chicken cards were made, Anya turned 6, all the artwork made it up onto the craft room wall, Anya had a fab party, I made some new chickens I love and I was featured seller on Folksy!
I went to the scrapstore again, the girls cooked tea for us, Woody got a little too friendly with the Barbies, I had a couple of great fairs, the girls opened a shop, we got scissor happy with paper, Gramps had a birthday, we had fun in the snow and I had a sort out in my shops!
Phew, what a busy year!!